Instituted on 26 Jan 1960 and as VSM Class-III to recognise the distinguished service of a high order. It was renamed on 27.01.1967 as VSM.
Circular in shape, 35 mm in diameter and fitted to a plain horizontal bar with standard fitting. The medal is made of bronze. On its obverse is embossed a five-pointed star and on its reverse is the State Emblem and the inscription embossed along the upper rim.
The ribbon is of gold colour with three dark blue stripes dividing it into four equal parts.
If a recipient of the medal is subsequently awarded the medal again, every such further award shall be recognised by a Bar to be attached to the riband by which the medal is suspended.
Personnel Eligible
The following categories of personnel shall be eligible for the medal :
1. All ranks of the Army, the Navy and the Air Force including Territorial Army Units, Auxiliary and Reserve Forces (when embodied) and other lawfully constituted Armed Forces.
2. Nursing officers and other members of the Nursing Services in the Armed Forces.
Conditions of Eligibility
The medal is awarded for distinguished service of a high order.
Important Information